Document Type : Original Article


MSc Student of Agricultural Economics, University of Torbat Heydarieh


The economic and social importance of saffron as the most expensive spice in the world has a unique position among Iranian industrial and export products. The numerous and numerous uses of saffron and its medicinal properties and its diverse food consumption, and most importantly, have a major role in the lives of farmers in the central and southern Khorasan provinces, which makes it especially clear on the issues of production, export and market of saffron. The main objective of this study was to investigate the factors affecting the export of Iranian saffron using the Delphi method that is used by experts in this area. The design of this study using the Delphi method has been to reach a consensus. In relation to the 36 measures affecting exports of saffron participated in the survey. The 36 measures adopted in the three-story Face. The first process, the most important and basic indices were divided into two groups and brand packaging and the lack of national brand important criteria (no brand) was observed. The second indicator, the economy (exports) were the next priority and the most important criterion of all criteria that have the most points and ranked first, saffron fraud and abuse in the export sector has been jobber. The third indicator, the production, the most important measure of the individual's working farmers (lack of proper co-operatives), the other index is the ratio of less importance.


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