Document Type : Original Article


The effects of applications of nitroxin and vermicompost on indicators of growth, flowering and chlorophyll of saffron were evaluated under field conditions. Treatments were there levels of nitroxin (0, 5, 10 liters.ha-1) and four levels of vermicompost (0, 5, 10 and 15 tons.ha-1). This experiment was carried out as factorial based on randomized completely block design with three replications in research farm of Birjand University, Iran, n two growing seasons of 2015 and 2016.The traits such as number of flowers and yield of fresh flowers and the dry stigmas. Leaves components (number, length and fresh and dry weight) and its pigments (chlorophyll a, b, total and SPAD) were studied. Number, flower yield and dry stigmawas influenced by nitroxin treatments.So that in the first year and the second Respectively The highest number flower (8.75 , 45.33 per Per.m-2), flower yield (2.76, 13.04 g.m-2),and dry Stigma yield (0.006, 0.03 g.m-2) was obtained in plants treated with 5 liter.ha-1 nitroxin,while the lowest values was recorded in the control. Results showed that nitroxin improved the leaf growth indices (number, dry Stigma yield, length, and fresh weight of leaf) and photosynthetic pigments (chl a, b, total chl and spad). Application of different levels of vermicompost had a positive effect on the leaf number, leaf length, fresh and dry weight of leaf and chlorophyll a, b, total and spad. The highest chlorophyll b, total and SPAD was obtained in plants treated with 10 tons.ha-1 vermicompost while the lowest values was recorded in the control. Interactive effects of nitroxin and vermicompost have a positive effect on the dry Stigma yield, number and length leaf of leaves, chlorophyll a, b, total and spad. Thus, results showed that nitroxin and vermicompost have strong impact on quantitative and qualitative characteristics of saffron under field conditions.


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