Document Type : Original Article


1 PhD student of Crop Ecology, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad

2 Associate Prof. of Agronomy Department, University of Birjand

3 Assistant Prof. of Agronomy Department, University of Birjand


Saffron (Crocus sativus L.) as the world most valuable agricultural product possesses the major amount of Iran's non-oil exports. Due to the importance of the quality of export products and in order to evaluate the relationship between nitrogen percentage of saffron stigma and its effective factors, a study was conducted in Qaenat county located in South Khorasan province, Iran) in which 48 farms were investigated during 2011 and 2012. The required information about theflower yield, type and amount of used fertilizers and animal manure were collected using questionnaires and percentage of the stigma elements were obtained from collected plant and soil samples from farms of central, Nimbolouk and Sedeh districts. The results showed that the highest and lowest percentages of stigma nitrogen were obtained by 2.92% and 2.65% at the ages of three and five years, respectively. Nitrogen percentage of stigma showed no significant difference between different manure and nitrogen fertilizers. Nitrogen percentage of stigma showed a positive linear relationship with percentage of soil organic matter for all ages and with its potassium percentage just for the ages of two and three years, while nitrogen percentage of saffron stigma showed a negative linear relation with flower yield and soil salinity. Also, nitrogen percentage of stigma showed a negative linear relationship with its phosphorus percentage for two and three years-aged farms, and a positive linear relationship was found for five and seven years-aged farms.Although, the amount of stigma nitrogen was (with an average of 2.79%) in limits set by the International Standards Organization, according tosignificant relationship between the percentage ofstigmanitrogen with soilorganic matter and salinity, themanagement ofsoil fertilityandplant nutritionshould be considered as essential andimportant issues in thefarming systems.


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