Document Type : Original Article



In order to study of the effects of gibberellin, corm weight and phosphoric fertilizer on flowering and other traits of saffron an experiment was conducted using factorial based on a randomized complete block design with three replications in 2011. The factors were including: A (corm size with three levels as 4, 6 and 8 gram), B (treatment in gibberellin  as 0, 200 and 400 ppm) and C (consumption phosphoric fertilizer  as 0 and 120 kg.ha-1) that studied on 9 morphological traits on Ghaen echotype. The results of analysis of variance showed significant differences on the most of studied traits at 1% levels. Based on comparison of means, the interaction of AB showed (consumption of 200 ppm gibberellic acid on the corms with 8 gram of weight) had the highest mean of Stigma length and (consumption of 400 ppm gibberellic acid on the corms with 8 gram of weight) was in the second grade. In comparison effect of A factor on mean of dry weight of Stigma , (the corms with 4 and 6 gram in weight) were the effective factors. The effect of C factor on dry weight of Stigma showed (consumption of 120 kg/ha phosphoric fertilizer) had the highest mean at 1% level. The mean comparison of the effect of interaction AB showed (consumption the corms with 6 gram in weight, without consumption gibberellic acid) was the first grade. The evaluation of effects of BC on dry weight of Stigma showed (consumption 120 kg/ha phosphoric fertilizer without gibberellin consumption) had the highest effect on mentioned trait and (consumption 400 ppm hormone with 120 kg/ha fertilizer) was in the second grade. The consumption of intermediate gibberellin levels on the corms with median weight was better response on Stigma yield generally.


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