Document Type : Original Article


Nutrient management and mother corm weight are the most important factors in relation to quantitative and qualitative characteristics of saffron (Crocus sativus L.). In order to investigate the effects of municipal waste compost levels and maternal corm weights on yield and vegetative characteristics of saffron, an experiment was conducted as factorial based on a randomized complete block design with three replications at the Agricultural Research Station, University of Birjand during growing season of 2015. Treatments were 4 levels of municipal waste compost (0, 5, 10 and 20 t.ha-1) and three levels of maternal corm weight (0.1-4, 4.1-8 and 8.1-12 g). Traits including flower numbers, flower yield and flower dry weight, flower number, leaf length and leaf dry weight and photosynthetic pigments, chlorophyll fluorescence. Flower fresh weight and stigma dry weight was influenced by municipal waste compost. The highest stigma dry weight was obtained in plants treated with 20 t.ha-1 municipal waste compost, but there was not significant difference with 10 t.ha-1 and the lowest observed in treatment control. Results showed that municipal waste compost improved the leaf growth indices (length, fresh weight and dry weight of leaf) and photosynthetic pigments (chl a, chl b, total chl and Carotenoid). The highest length, fresh weight and dry weight of leaf andphotosynthetic pigments (chl a, chl b, total chl and carotenoid) were obtained in plants treated with 5 and 10 t.ha-1 municipal waste compost respectively. So, corm weight had a significant effect on the leaf growth indices (number and photosynthetic pigments leaf) and yield of flower. Interaction effects of municipal waste compost and corm weight have a significant effect on the weight of fresh flower, chlorophyll (a, b and total) and carotenoid. Thus, results showed that municipal waste compost (10 t.ha-1) and corm weight (8.1-12 g) have strong impact on quantitative and photosynthetic pigments characteristics of saffron under field conditions.
The nutrient managment and mother corm size are the most important factors in relation of saffron (Crocus sativus L.). In order to investigate the effects of different levels of municipal waste compost and different maternal corm weight on yield and vegetative characteristics of saffron, an experiment was conducted as factorial based on a complete randomized block design with three replications and 12 treatments at the Agricultural Research Station, University of Birjand during growing season of 2015. Treatments were 4 levels of municipal waste compost (0, 5, 10 and 20 t.ha-1) and 3 levels of maternal corm weight (0.1- 4, 4.1- 8 and 8.1- 12 g). Flower fresh weight was influenced by municipal waste compost treatments. Results showed that municipal waste compost improved the leaf growth indices (lenght, fresh weight and dry weight of leaf) and photosynthetic pigments (chl a, chl b, total chl and cartenoid). The highest lenght, fresh weight and dry weight of leaf and and photosynthetic pigments (chl a, chl b, total chl and cartenoid) were obtained in plants treated with 5 and 10 t. ha-1 municipal waste compost respectivitly. So, corm weight had a significant effect on the leaf growth indices (number and photosynthetic pigments leaf ) and yield of flower. Interactive effects of municipal waste compost and corm weight have a significant effect on the weight of fresh flower, chlorophyll (a, b and total) and cartenoid. Thus, results showed that compost and corm weight have strong impact on saffron.


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