Document Type : Original Article
To identify the strategies for enhancing the performance and development of saffron cultivation in arid and desert areas, an experiment was carried out as a split plot based on RCBD with three replications. Three levels of irrigation including 50%, 75% and 100% of total water requirements were applied to the main plots whereas 7 levels of a type of water superabsorbent which consisted of the control (no use of superabsorbent), three levels of uniform distribution of superabsorbent in 10, 30 and 50 grams per square meter before planting and three distribution levels of superabsorbent with the same amounts were applied to the sub plots. Results showed that as the irrigation volume increases, flower number, flower fresh weight, stigma dry weight, corms total weight, the biggest corm weight and corm number also increases, while the electrolyte leakage decreases. leaf length is gradually affected by irrigation 60 days after the start to become
To identify the strategies for enhancing the yield and development of saffron cultivation in arid and semi- arid areas, an experiment was carried out as split plot layout based on a RCBD with three replications in Charkhab village around the Yazd city during 2013-2014. Three irrigation levels including 50, 75 and 100% of water requirements were applied to the main plots whereas 7 levels of super-absorbent polymer which consisted of control (without super-absorbent polymer), three levels of uniform distribution of super-absorbent polymer in 10, 30 and 50 g.m-2 before planting time and three row distribution levels of super-absorbent polymer with the same rates under rows were applied to the sub plots. Results showed whereas the irrigation volume were significantly increased, flower number, flower fresh weight, stigma dry weight, corms total weight, the biggest corm weight and corm number increased, while the electrolyte leakage in leaf was decreased. Leaf length was gradually affected by irrigation 60 days after the start to become green. In addition, the application of super-absorbent polymer had behavior similar to irrigation and in most cases the application of 30 to 50 rf g of superabsorbent which were uniformly distributed over the ground surface and the use of 10 g of super-absorbent polymer in row cultivation had better effects. In some cases, 50 g super-absorbent polymer in rows had a negative effect on the measured features. Also, there is an interaction between irrigation and super-absorbent polymer. Therefore, this suggested that the damages caused by water deficit in saffron fields in arid and semi-arid areas can be reduced by using super-absorbent polymer.
. In addition, the use of superabsorbent has shown behavior similar to irrigation treatments and in most cases the use of 30 to 50 grams of superabsorbent which were distributed uniformly over the ground surface and the use of 10 grams of superabsorbent in row cultivation showed better results compared to the control and other treatments. In some cases, application of 50 grams of superabsorbent in the rows had a negative effect on the measured features. data analysis also showed that in some cases there is an interaction between irrigation and superabsorbent consumption. Therefore, this suggests that the damages caused by water deficit in saffron fields cultivated in arid areas can be reduced by using superabsorbent.