Document Type : Original Article


Department of food science and technology, Quchan branch, Islamic Azad University, Quchan, Iran.


Saffron is an expensive and valuable crop among agriculture and export production of Iran. Crocin, picrocrocin and safranal contents are recognized as color, taste and aroma factors, respectively. Optimization during saffron drying process as the most important stage in post harvesting has a fundamental role in physicochemical properties of this crop. In this work, effects of temperature (at 40-70 oC), drying time (80-205 min) and saffron thickness (0.5-2 cm) for oven method and energy microwave (200-800 W), time (4-11 min) and saffron thickness (0.5-2 cm) for drying by microwave investigated on crocin, picrocrocin and safranal contents by response surface methodology (RSM). The results showed that the higher temperatures and shorter times in drying process were more effective on quality properties, while the saffron thickness had not significant effect on quality criteria. In microwave drying, the maximum energy and drying times were caused the highest destruction for crocin, picrocrocin and safranal contents. The best conditions for drying process by oven were determined at 51.2oC, 112.8 min and 0.5 cm thickness and the highest quality during microwave drying were obtained at 703 W, 6.9 min and 2 cm of thickness by appropriate desirability (> 80%).


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